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Get It Done! Project Management
Course Overview (6:43)
Getting Started
Getting Started (4:52)
The Triple Constraint on Projects (5:47)
"W" Questions Define the Goal (9:43)
Goal Clarity with In-Frame / Out-of-Frame (6:23)
Stakeholders (5:25)
The Project Results - Deliverables (6:19)
Planning the Project
Planning Your Project (4:22)
Project Tasks and Activities Using Post-its (6:03)
Project Tasks and Activities Using a Spreadsheet (5:07)
The Definition of Done Using Post-its (6:06)
The Definition of Done Using a Spreadsheet (5:31)
Assigning Responsibility for Tasks Using Post-its (5:07)
Assigning Responsibility for Tasks Using a Spreadsheet (5:38)
Determining Your Timeline Using Post-its (7:49)
Determining Your Timeline Using a Spreadsheet (6:40)
Doing the Work
Doing the Work (7:23)
Completing Tasks and Activities Using Post-its (6:41)
Completing Tasks and Activities Using a Spreadsheet (6:44)
Project Team Meetings (8:13)
Stakeholder Meetings (5:09)
Tracking Progress
Controlling the Work (7:19)
Risk Mitigation (7:16)
Meeting the Goal (7:15)
Changing Tasks Using Post-Its (7:57)
Changing Tasks Using a Spreadsheet (8:17)
Adding and Deleting Tasks Using Post-Its (5:49)
Adding and Deleting Tasks Using a Spreadsheet (6:20)
Completing the Project
Achieveing Succcess (3:30)
Punch List (5:01)
Closeout Using Post-Its (6:38)
Closeout Using a Spreadsheet (5:54)
Next Steps (5:13)
Assigning Responsibility for Tasks Using a Spreadsheet
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